We think that the main contributions of the book is in two aspects : one is the revolution of some concepts such as utility theory , aximatization of game , extended game ; the other is the breaking through in zero - sum two - person games centered on minimax and corporation game centered on characteristic function . this was , in fact , the development and extension of von neumann ' s classic game paper of 1928 . our research shows that these contributions were a pure new theoretical creation , rather than an 认为《博弈论与经济行为》的主要贡献有二个方面:一个方面是在效用理论、博弈的公理化、博弈的扩展形式等等概念上的创新,另一方面是在以极小极大值定理为中心的三人零和博弈理论和以特征函数为中心的合作博弈理论上的创新,这些实际上主要是冯?诺伊曼对其1928年的经典博弈论文章的理论框架的发展和延伸
zero-sum two-person gameとは意味:ゼロ和2人ゲーム zero-sum two-person game перевод:антагонистическая игра двух лиц zero-sum game war game voting game variable-sum game unsymmetric game unsolvable game univalent game uniform game unhomogeneous game unfavorable game unfair ...